BBB/ BROKEN BLUE BRACELET, Serigraph, Giglée-print on Gmund Flipflop-paper, 98 x 68 cm, 2019
“Art can only stimulate a more precise distinction which can help understand the differences and create CONSCIOUSNESS.”
Ayşe Erkmen 2019
Ayşe Erkmen (born 1949 in Istanbul, Turkey) is a visual artist recognized as the one of the foremost Turkish artists She lives and works in Berlin and Istanbul. Influenced by specific sites, histories and geographies Ayşe Erkmen’s works takes the social and physical environment that she is in. Erkmen does not invent new forms, but transforms architectural and social conditions and contexts.
Ayşe Erkmen versetzt Steine, lässt Wände wandern oder Menschen über Wasser gehen, wie mit ihrem verborgenen Steg bei den Skulptur-Projekten in Münster 2017. 1949 in Istanbul geboren, besuchte sie 1993 mit einem DAAD-Stipendium zum ersten Mal Berlin, wo sie heute lebt.
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